The technique of High Energy Impact Compaction (or Impact Roller Compaction) involves application of high energy impulsed at the ground surface utilizing rollers.

Presentation and key elements
What is HEIC and why do we use it?
The technique of High Energy Impact Compaction (or Impact Roller Compaction) involves application of high energy impulsed at the ground surface utilizing rollers. Rollers are usually: triangular, square, or pentagonal in shape. Adoption of this technique enables compaction / densification of surface layers to depths greater than can typically be achieved utilizing conventional circular rollers.
Basic principle of HEIC
A typical treatment of HEIC would be in the form of a series of overlapping tracks of the roller, with primary rolling being undertaken in a clockwise direction and a secondary / intermediate rolling which is undertaken in an anticlockwise direction. There would be a number of passes along each track dependent on performance requirements, and the offset between each track depends on the particular type of impact roller that is utilized. On some sites, it may be beneficial to wet the surface immediately before rolling.
Execution of HEIC
High Energy Impact Compaction makes use of rollers which are towed behind a vehicle and are pulled along the treatment area as described above. The result being an efficient compaction of surface fills reducing the number of layers to be compacted when compared with conventional roller compaction techniques.