Gemalink Container Terminal, Vietnam
Gemalink is a container terminal on the Cai Mep River in Vung Tau in Vietnam. It will receive ultimately 80,000 DWT vessels that will dock along a 600 m long danish quay. Phase 1 covers 20 Ha storage facilities (container yards, administration, workshop, etc.). The area was mostly a tidal flat and required a raising of 3 to 5 m to bring the platform above the flood level. The ground was a soft clay deposit, 36 m deep. Menard was awarded the consolidation of the river bank 60 m wide x 600 m long, using Menard Vacuum™ as an alternative to the soil mixing solution. Not only was the solution more competitive, but it also allowed the contractor to use a vertical drain and preload solution for the land part of the quay as well as piles for the wharf that could be installed only a few meters away from the ongoing Menard Vacuum™.

The Menard group develops foundation solutions based on ground improvement and reinforcement technologies. Its treatments eliminate the need for the deep foundations traditionally used to support surface structures.