Ports & Airports

Rehabilitation of the basin of the Dunkirk Port, France


Rehabilitation of the basin of the Dunkirk Port, France  As part of the rehabilitation of a basin in the Port of Dunkirk, Menard was awarded the construction of a sheet pile wall, the creation of anchors, the filling and the construction of a new quay as well as the demolition of the old [...]

Fisherman Island, Port of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


Fisherman Island, Port of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia  In 2009 the largest single-stage treatment of Menard VacuumTM consolidation technique was installed as part of Port of Brisbane’s Fisherman Island expansion project. A significant increase of the Port of Brisbane capacity had been planned, by reclaiming an additional 235 ha of land. Further to the [...]

East port Saïd, Egypt


Port Said, Egypt The Suez Canal has connected the Red Sea to the Mediterranean for the past century and a half. To accelerate economic development in the strategic region, a free trade zone is under construction in the East Industrial Area of Port Said, the undisputed hub of the eastern Mediterranean.  In September [...]

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