Metro Point logistics center, USA New Jersey is a diversified industrial region with access to the sea, railway links, a network of SMEs working with prestigious universities and a large consumer market. As multimodal hubs proliferate, Menard completed specialist works on the Metro Point Logistics Center in June 2016. The hub has two [...]
Construction of a tertiary and logistics business park in Trélazé, France
coralielaval2022-10-24T15:45:42+02:00Soil improvement and reinforcement by dynamic compaction The municipality of Trélazé, on the outskirts of Angers, was a major centre for slate-quarrying throughout its long industrial history, from the middle of the 16th century until the eventual closure of the last slate quarries in March 2014. Menard has been working between mid April [...]
NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH
coralielaval2022-04-05T17:09:30+02:00CMCs for the ground improvement works of NASA Glenn Research Center
Joannes Couvert quay, port of Le Havre – France
Marie Brunel2022-04-05T17:10:54+02:00Construction of an offshore wind turbine manufacturing plant, Le Havre, France
Infrastructural upgrade, Dunkettle, Ireland
coralielaval2022-04-05T17:25:49+02:00First PVD and CMC for Menard in Dunkettle, Ireland
E20 Warehouse area, Solrød Strand, Denmark
Sophie Fromion2022-04-05T17:27:17+02:00Ground improvement at Solrød Strand, Denmark
International Airport in Jakarta, Indonesia
Marie Brunel2022-04-05T17:24:51+02:00Soil improvement works for the international airport of Jakarta, Indonesia
SEA Tours-Bordeaux HSL, France
coralielaval2022-04-05T15:54:57+02:00Soil expertise serving high-speed rail The largest project of its type in Europe, the South Europe Atlantic high-speed line will reduce travel time between Paris and Bordeaux. Menard improved the ground under the backfill over a height of 5 to 10 metres for the northern and southern access to one of the project’s iconic [...]
Perth Stadium, Australia
coralielaval2021-07-01T14:14:14+02:00Converting a site On the Burswood Peninsula, in Perth, a stadium is under construction. The site, previously used for industrial activities and as a sewage treatment plant, a cement plant, and a waste treatment centre, will welcome, in 2018, a multi-purpose venue located at the centre of a large area intended for relaxation and [...]
Sihanoukville Airport, Cambodia
coralielaval2021-07-01T11:39:39+02:00Extending the runway at Sihanoukville Airport Sihanoukville airport was once just a ‘minor' airport handling 3 aircraft per week, but the tourist appeal of its surrounding area has rapidly promoted it to the status of Cambodia's third-largest airport. In 2018, it handled 92.6% more passengers than in 2017. Handling this very significant increase in [...]